What did your dream mean?
Newly Added Dreams
Here are the most recently added dream topics as of January 16, 2025.
Dream Index
Below is our regularly updated list of all 3 of Dreams dream meanings from A to Z. Can't find a dream object in the list below? Send us a message on our Contact form and we'll add it to our to-do list!
Dream Topics Beginning with A
- Aardvark
- Abacus
- Abandonment
- Abortion
- Abyss
- Academy
- Accident
- Accordion
- Acorn
- Acrobat
- Admiral
- Adoption
- Advertisement
- Afterlife
- Agate
- Aid
- Ailment
- Air
- Air conditioner
- Aircraft
- Airplane
- Airport
- Alarm
- Albatross
- Alchemy
- Alcohol
- Alcove
- Aliens
- Alley
- Alligator
- Almond
- Alpaca
- Alphabet
- Altar
- Ambulance
- Amoeba
- Amphitheater
- Amputation
- Amulet
- Amusement park
- Ancestors
- Anchor
- Android
- Anemone
- Angel
- Ankle
- Anklet
- Announcement
- Anorexia
- Ant
- Antelope
- Antique
- Antiques
- Antlers
- Ants
- Anvil
- Apartment
- Ape
- Apocalypse
- Applause
- Apple
- Apricot
- Apron
- Aquarium
- Arch
- Archer
- Archery
- Archipelago
- Architect
- Arena
- Argument
- Argyle
- Ark
- Armadillo
- Armchair
- Armor
- Armory
- Army
- Arrest
- Arrow
- Arson
- Art gallery
- Artery
- Artichoke
- Artillery
- Artist
- Artwork
- Ascent
- Ascot
- Ashes
- Ashtray
- Asphyxiation
- Assassin
- Asteroid
- Astrologer
- Astronaut
- Athlete
- Atlas
- Atrium
- Attic
- Auction
- Auditorium
- Aunt
- Aura
- Autograph
- Autumn
- Avalanche
- Avocado
- Awakening
- Award
- Axe
Dream Topics Beginning with B
- Baby
- Baby bottle
- Baby carriage
- Baby shower
- Babysitting
- Back
- Back yard
- Backpack
- Backpacking
- Bad breath
- Badge
- Bag
- Baggage
- Bakery
- Baking
- Balcony
- Ball
- Ballet
- Balloon
- Bamboo
- Bandit
- Bank
- Banquet
- Baptism
- Barber
- Barefoot
- Barge
- Barn
- Barometer
- Barrel
- Barricade
- Baseball
- Basement
- Basket
- Basketball
- Bass
- Bat
- Bath
- Bathing suit
- Bathroom
- Baton
- Bazaar
- Beach
- Beads
- Beaker
- Beans
- Bear
- Beard
- Bed
- Bee
- Beef
- Beer
- Beetle
- Beggar
- Being watched
- Bell
- Bells
- Belly button
- Belt
- Belt buckle
- Bible
- Bicycle
- Bikini
- Bill
- Billboard
- Billfold
- Billionaire
- Bingo
- Bird
- Birdcage
- Birth
- Birthday
- Biscuit
- Bison
- Bitcoin
- Bitterness
- Blackjack
- Blacksmith
- Blade
- Blanket
- Blazer
- Blender
- Blimp
- Blimp
- Blind date
- Blindfold
- Blizzard
- Bloated
- Blonde
- Blood
- Blossom
- Blouse
- Blowtorch
- Blue sky
- Blueprint
- Boa constrictor
- Boardgame
- Boat
- Bolt
- Bones
- Bongo drum
- Bonsai tree
- Book
- Bookcase
- Bookstore
- Boomerang
- Boots
- Boss
- Bottle
- Bouncer
- Bouquet
- Bow and arrow
- Bowl
- Bowling ball
- Boxer or fighter
- Boxer shorts
- Boy
- Bra
- Bracelet
- Braces
- Braid
- Braids
- Brain
- Brass
- Bread
- Break-in
- Break-up
- Breakfast
- Breast implants
- Breastfeeding
- Bribe
- Brick
- Bricklaying
- Bridge
- Bronze
- Brook
- Broom
- Brother
- Brunch
- Brushing hair
- Bucket
- Budgie
- Buffalo
- Bugs
- Bulb
- Bulldog
- Bullhorn
- Bungalow
- Bunker
- Burglar
- Burial
- Burrowing
- Bus
- Bus stop
- Bush
- Business card
- Butler
- Butter
- Butterfly
Dream Topics Beginning with C
- Cab
- Cabana
- Cabin
- Cabinet
- Cable
- Cactus
- Cadet
- Cafe
- Cafeteria
- Cage
- Cake
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Caliper
- Camel
- Camera
- Camouflage
- Campfire
- Camping
- Campus
- Canary
- Candle
- Candy
- Cane
- Cannibalism
- Cannon
- Canoe
- Canyon
- Cap
- Cape
- Captain
- Car
- Car crash
- Cardboard box
- Cardigan
- Cardinal
- Carnival
- Carousel
- Carpenter
- Carpet
- Carrot
- Cashier
- Casino
- Castle
- Cat
- Catering
- Caterpillar
- Cathedral
- Cattle
- Cauldron
- Cavalry
- Cave
- Caviar
- Celebrity
- Cellar
- Cello
- Cellophane
- Cemetary
- Ceremony
- Chain
- Chainsaw
- Chair
- Chaise longue
- Chalice
- Chalk
- Chalkboard
- Chameleon
- Champagne
- Chandelier
- Chanting
- Charcoal
- Charm
- Chasing
- Cheating in a relationship
- Checkers
- Cheeks
- Cheese
- Cheetah
- Chef
- Cherry
- Cherub
- Chess
- Chest
- Chicken
- Childhood
- Childhood home
- Children
- Chimney
- Chiropractor
- Chocolate
- Choir
- Chopsticks
- Christening
- Christmas
- Church
- Cigar
- Cinema
- Cinnamon
- Cipher
- Circus
- Citadel
- Clarinet
- Class
- Cleaning
- Cliff
- Climbing
- Climbing stairs
- Clipper
- Clock
- Closet
- Cloth
- Clothing
- Cloud
- Cloudy sky
- Clover
- Clown
- Clubbing
- Cobblestones
- Cobra
- Cobweb
- Coffee
- Coffin
- College
- Coloring book
- Columns
- Comedian
- Comet
- Compass
- Composer
- Computer
- Computer code
- Concert
- Conductor
- Conference
- Contract
- Cooker
- Cookies
- Cooking
- Cookware
- Coral
- Corridor
- Cosmos
- Costume
- Costume party
- Cot
- Cottage
- Couch
- Cougar
- Country
- Courthouse
- Cow
- Coworker
- Crab
- Cradle
- Cravat
- Crawling
- Crayon
- Credenza
- Credit card
- Credit score
- Creek
- Cremation
- Crescent
- Crib
- Crime
- Crock pot
- Crocodile
- Cross
- Crow
- Crown
- Cruise
- Cryptocurrency
- Crystal
- Crystals
- Cucumber
- Cup
- Curtain
- Cushion
- Cylinder
Dream Topics Beginning with D
- Daffodil
- Dagger
- Daisy
- Dam
- Dancing
- Dandelion
- Darkness
- Dartboard
- Darts
- Dashboard
- Daughter
- Death
- Debate
- Debutante
- Deck
- Decoy
- Deer
- Defeat
- Delight
- Delivery
- Deluge
- Demon
- Demotion
- Dental floss
- Dentist
- Dentures
- Deodorant
- Department store
- Deported
- Desert
- Designer
- Desk
- Desktop
- Despair
- Dessert
- Detective
- Devil
- Dew
- Dewdrop
- Dial
- Diamond
- Diary
- Dice
- Diesel
- Digging
- Diner
- Dining table
- Dinner
- Diorama
- Diploma
- Dirt
- Discovering treasure
- Discussion
- Disease
- Disguise
- Dish
- Dishwasher
- Disk
- Ditch
- Diver
- Divorce
- Dizzy
- Dock
- Doctor
- Document
- Dog
- Dog food
- Doll
- Dollhouse
- Dolphin
- Dome
- Dominoes
- Donation
- Donkey
- Doodle
- Door
- Doorbell
- Doorknob
- Dormitory
- Dough
- Doughnut
- Dove
- Down payment
- Draft
- Dragon
- Dragonfly
- Drain
- Drape
- Drapes
- Drawbridge
- Drawing
- Dream
- Dress
- Dresser
- Dressing room
- Driftwood
- Drill
- Drizzle
- Drone
- Drought
- Drowning
- Drugstore
- Drum
- Dry cleaner
- Duck
- Duckling
- Duct
- Duct tape
- Duel
- Dumbbell
- Dump truck
- Dumpling
- Dumpster
- Dunes
- Dungeon
- Dusk
- Dwarf
- Dynamo
Dream Topics Beginning with E
- Eagle
- Ear
- Earlobe
- Earmuffs
- Earring
- Earrings
- Ears
- Earth
- Earthquake
- Easel
- Easter
- Eating
- Eavesdropping
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Economy
- Eden
- Eel
- Egg
- Eggplant
- Eggs
- Eggshell
- Elbow
- Election
- Electric fence
- Electric shock
- Electricity
- Elegance
- Elementary school
- Elephant
- Elevator
- Elf
- Elixir
- Elk
- Ellipse
- Elm
- Embarrassed
- Embers
- Embracing
- Embroidery
- Emerald
- Emperor
- Empire
- Employee
- Encyclopedia
- Enemy
- Engagement
- Engine
- Engineer
- Entertainment
- Entrance
- Envelope
- Epidemic
- Equation
- Equator
- Erosion
- Escalator
- Espresso
- Estate
- Eucalyptus
- Euphoria
- Evacuation
- Evergreen
- Evicted
- Evolution
- Ex-boyfriend
- Ex-girlfriend
- Ex-husband
- Ex-wife
- Execution
- Exercising
- Exhibition
- Exile
- Exorcism
- Experiment
- Explorer
- Explosion
- Expressive
- Extension cord
- Eye color
- Eyebrows
- Eyeglasses
- Eyepatch
- Eyes
Dream Topics Beginning with F
- Fable
- Fabric
- Facade
- Face
- Facelift
- Facial
- Factory
- Fainting
- Fairy
- Fake
- Falcon
- Falling
- False teeth
- Family
- Family crest
- Fan
- Farm
- Farmer
- Fashion show
- Fast food
- Fat
- Father
- Father-in-law
- Fawn
- Feast
- Feather
- Feces
- Feet
- Fence
- Ferns
- Ferret
- Ferris wheel
- Festival
- Fetus
- Fiasco
- Fiddle
- Field
- Fight
- Fighting
- File cabinet
- Final exam
- Finances
- Finding something
- Finery
- Finger
- Fingernails
- Fingerprint
- Fire
- Fire escape
- Fired
- Firefly
- Fireworks
- First date
- Fish
- Fishing
- Flag
- Flame
- Flannel
- Flare
- Flashlight
- Flask
- Flea market
- Floating
- Flock
- Flood
- Florist
- Flotilla
- Flower
- Flute
- Flying
- Fog
- Foil
- Food
- Food court
- Foot
- Football
- Footbridge
- Footprint
- Footsteps
- Foreign country
- Foreigner
- Forest
- Forge
- Forgery
- Forgetting something
- Fork
- Forklift
- Former girlfriend or boyfriend
- Fortress
- Fortune
- Fortune cookie
- Fortune teller
- Fossil
- Foundry
- Fountain
- Fountain pen
- Fox
- Fractals
- Frame
- Fraternity
- Freckles
- Freezer
- Freight
- Friends
- Frisbee
- Frog
- Frost
- Frozen
- Fruit
- Fudge
- Fuel
- Funeral
- Fungus
- Fur
- Furnace
- Furniture
- Fuselage
- Future
Dream Topics Beginning with G
- Gait
- Galaxy
- Gale
- Galleon
- Gallery
- Gallows
- Gambling
- Game
- Gangway
- Garage
- Garage sale
- Garbage can
- Garden
- Gardening
- Gargoyle
- Garland
- Garlic
- Garnet
- Gas station
- Gasoline
- Gate
- Gathering
- Gavel
- Gazebo
- Gazing
- Gecko
- Gem
- Generator
- Genesis
- Genocide
- Geode
- Gerbil
- Geyser
- Ghost
- Giant
- Gift
- Gift card
- Ginger
- Gingerbread
- Giraffe
- Girdle
- Girl
- Girl scout
- Glacier
- Gladiator
- Glass
- Glasses
- Glider
- Glitter
- Globe
- Glove
- Gloves
- Glowing
- Glyph
- Goal
- Goat
- Goatee
- Goblet
- Goblin
- Goggles
- Gold
- Goldfish
- Golf course
- Gondola
- Goose
- Gorilla
- Governor
- Gown
- Grade
- Graffiti
- Grail
- Grain
- Grains
- Grandfather
- Grandfather clock
- Grandmother
- Grandstand
- Granite
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Graph
- Grass
- Grasshopper
- Grave
- Gravel
- Gravity
- Gravy
- Greenhouse
- Greeting card
- Grenade
- Grinding
- Grindstone
- Grocer
- Grocery shopping
- Guardian
- Guava
- Guest
- Guillotine
- Guitar
- Gulf
- Gums
- Gun
- Gust
- Gym
- Gymnastics
- Gynecologist
Dream Topics Beginning with H
- Hag
- Hair
- Hair dryer
- Haircut
- Halloween
- Hallway
- Halo
- Hamburger
- Hamlet
- Hammer
- Hammock
- Hand
- Handbag
- Handcuffs
- Handgun
- Handicapped
- Handstand
- Handwriting
- Hangar
- Harbor
- Hardware store
- Hare
- Harp
- Harpoon
- Harpsichord
- Harvest
- Hat
- Hatchet
- Hawk
- Haystack
- Head
- Headdress
- Headless
- Headlights
- Headstone
- Healed
- Hearing
- Hearse
- Heart
- Hearth
- Heaven
- Hedge
- Hedgehog
- Heel
- Heels
- Height
- Held captive
- Helicopter
- Helix
- Hell
- Helmet
- Helping
- Helpless
- Hem
- Hen
- Herbs
- Hermit
- Heron
- Herring
- Hibachi
- Hibiscus
- Hiding
- Hieroglyph
- Highlighter
- Highlights
- Highschool
- Highway
- Hiker
- Hill
- Hippo
- Hips
- History
- Hitchhiker
- Hitman
- Hitting
- Hive
- Hoarding
- Hockey
- Hole
- Holiday
- Holly
- Hologram
- Holy water
- Homeless
- Homework
- Honey
- Hood
- Hoodie
- Hoof
- Horizon
- Horn
- Hornet
- Horoscope
- Horse
- Horseshoe
- Hose
- Hospital
- Host
- Hostel
- Hot air balloon
- Hot dog
- Hot sauce
- Hot spring
- Hotel
- Hound
- Hourglass
- House
- Housework
- Hovercraft
- Hugging
- Hummingbird
- Hunger
- Hunting
- Hurdle
- Hurricane
- Hurt
- Hyena
- Hypnotized
Dream Topics Beginning with I
- Ibis
- Ice
- Ice cream
- Iceberg
- Icicle
- Icon
- Idol
- Igloo
- Ignored
- Illumination
- Illusion
- Image
- Immobility
- Imp
- Incense
- Infant
- Inheritance
- Ink
- Inmate
- Inn
- Insect
- Insignia
- Instrument
- Internet
- Interview
- Intruder
- Intuition
- Invasion
- Invoice
- Iron
- Island
- Ivy
Dream Topics Beginning with J
- Jackal
- Jacket
- Jade
- Jaguar
- Jail
- Jam
- Jambalaya
- Jar
- Javelin
- Jaw
- Jazz
- Jeans
- Jeep
- Jelly
- Jersey
- Jester
- Jet
- Jet engine
- Jetty
- Jewel
- Jewelry
- Jiffy
- Jigsaw puzzle
- Jogger
- Jolt
- Journal
- Journalist
- Journey
- Joystick
- Judge
- Juggling
- Juice
- Juicer
- Jumper
- Jumping great distances
- Jungle
- Justice
Dream Topics Beginning with K
- Kale
- Kaleidoscope
- Kangaroo
- Karaoke
- Karate
- Kazoo
- Kebab
- Keel
- Kelp
- Kennel
- Kettle
- Key
- Keyboard
- Keypad
- Keystone
- Kid
- Kidnapping
- Kidney
- Killer
- Killing
- Kiln
- Kimono
- Kind
- King
- Kingdom
- Kiosk
- Kissing
- Kissing a stranger
- Kitchen
- Kite
- Kitten
- Knapsack
- Kneading
- Knee
- Kneecap
- Kneeling
- Knife
- Knight
- Knights
- Knitting
- Knock
- Knocked out
- Knot
- Knowledge
- Knuckles
- Koala
- Kraken
- Kryptonite
Dream Topics Beginning with L
- Laboratory
- Labyrinth
- Ladder
- Ladle
- Ladybug
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Lamb
- Lamp
- Lance
- Lantern
- Lapel
- Laptop
- Laser
- Lattice
- Laughing
- Lava
- Lavender
- Lawn
- Lawyer
- Laying somewhere unusual
- Leaf
- Leaping
- Learning
- Leather
- Leaves
- Lectern
- Leg
- Leggings
- Lemon
- Lemonade
- Lemur
- Lending
- Leopard
- Letter
- Lever
- Library
- Licking
- Licorice
- Lifeguard
- Lighter
- Lighthouse
- Lily
- Lily Pad
- Lime
- Limousine
- Lion
- Lips
- Lipstick
- Liquor
- Listening
- Lizard
- Loaf of bread
- Lobster
- Lock
- Locket
- Log
- London
- Looking Glass
- Loom
- Losing something
- Lost
- Lottery
- Lounge chair
- Luggage
- Lung
- Lute
- Lying
- Lynx
Dream Topics Beginning with M
- Magic marker
- Magnet
- Mailbox
- Making an apology
- Making something
- Mall
- Mallet
- Man
- Manatee
- Mandolin
- Mango
- Manor
- Mansion
- Maple
- Marathon
- Marble
- Marigolds
- Market
- Mars
- Marsh
- Marshmallow
- Mascara
- Mask
- Massage
- Mast
- Mat
- Matchstick
- Maze
- Meadow
- Medal
- Medicine
- Meeting
- Melon
- Mermaid
- Meteor
- Microscope
- Milk
- Minnow
- Mint
- Mirror
- Miscarriage
- Mitten
- Mobile
- Mobile phone
- Model
- Molasses
- Monk
- Monkey
- Monsoon
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Mortgage
- Moss
- Moth
- Mother
- Motorcycle
- Mountain
- Mourning
- Mouse
- Mouth
- Moving
- Moving slowly
- Mud
- Muffin
- Mug
- Mule
- Mural
- Museum
- Mushroom
- Music
- Musician
- Musket
- Mustard
Dream Topics Beginning with N
- Nail
- Nail clipper
- Naked
- Nanny
- Napkin
- Navel
- Navy
- Nebula
- Neck
- Necklace
- Nectar
- Nectarine
- Needle
- Neptune
- Nest
- Net
- Nettle
- News
- Newspaper
- Newt
- Night
- Night time
- Noise
- Noodles
- North
- Nose
- Nose bleed
- Nostalgic
- Note
- Notebook
- Notebook computer
- Novel
- Nun
- Nurse
- Nursing home
- Nut
Dream Topics Beginning with O
- Oak
- Oats
- Obelisk
- Obstacle
- Ocean
- Octagon
- Octopus
- Office
- Oil
- Old friends
- Old woman
- Olives
- Omelette
- Onion
- Opal
- Opera
- Optician
- Oracle
- Orange
- Orbit
- Orbiting
- Orca
- Orchard
- Orchid
- Organ music
- Organs
- Orion
- Ornament
- Orphan
- Ostrich
- Otter
- Outcast
- Outdoors
- Outfit
- Outlaw
- Oven
- Overboard
- Overcast skies
- Overcoat
- Overgrowth
- Overpass
- Owl
- Ox
- Oyster
Dream Topics Beginning with P
- Pacifier
- Pad
- Paddle
- Paddock
- Pagoda
- Pail
- Painter
- Painting
- Palace
- Palm
- Pamphlet
- Pan
- Pancake
- Panda
- Pangolin
- Panther
- Panting
- Pants
- Paper
- Papyrus
- Parachute
- Paralysis
- Paralyzed
- Parcel
- Paring
- Park
- Parking garage
- Parking lot
- Parrot
- Partying
- Past life
- Pasta
- Pastry
- Path
- Pawn
- Paying for something
- Pea
- Peach
- Peacock
- Pearl
- Pebble
- Peeling
- Pegasus
- Pelican
- Pen
- Pencil
- Pendant
- Penguin
- Pepper
- Perfume
- Petal
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy
- Phone
- Photocopy
- Photographer
- Physician
- Piano
- Picket
- Picking
- Pig
- Pigeon
- Pillow
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Pipe
- Piranha
- Pirate
- Pistol
- Pizza
- Plane
- Planet
- Plant
- Plate
- Playground
- Playing an instrument
- Plum
- Polar Bear
- Police
- Police station
- Pollen
- Pomegranate
- Popcorn
- Porch
- Porcupine
- Porridge
- Potato
- Potion
- Pouch
- Prairie
- Pregnant
- Prism
- Professor
- Promoted
- Protest
- Pruning
- Pub
- Public nudity
- Puddle
- Pumpkin
- Punching
- Puppet
- Purse
- Pyramid
Dream Topics Beginning with Q
Dream Topics Beginning with R
- Rabbit
- Raccoon
- Radiance
- Radio
- Radishes
- Railing
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Raisin
- Rake
- Rapids
- Raspberry
- Rattle
- Rattlesnake
- Raven
- Razor
- Reaching
- Reading
- Redwood
- Reef
- Reflection
- Refrigerator
- Refund
- Reindeer
- Relic
- Remedy
- Remote
- Reptile
- Reservoir
- Restaurant
- Revolution
- Reward
- Rhino
- Ribbons
- Ribs
- Rice
- Riddle
- Riding a bike or motorcycle
- Riding a horse
- Ring
- Ripple
- River
- Road
- Robot
- Rock concert
- Rocket
- Rolling
- Rooster
- Root
- Rose
- Rowboat
- Royalty
- Rug
- Ruler
- Running
- Rust
Dream Topics Beginning with S
- Saddle
- Sage
- Sailing
- Salmon
- Salt
- Sand
- Sandals
- Sandals
- Sandcastle
- Sandwich
- Sapphire
- Sardines
- Sari
- Saturn
- Sausage
- Saxophone
- Scale
- Scarf
- School
- Scissors
- Scoring a goal
- Scorpion
- Sculpting
- Sculpture
- Sea
- Seed
- Senator
- Sewing
- Shadow
- Shampoo
- Shark
- Shaving
- Sheep
- Shell
- Shelter
- Shield
- Ship
- Shirt
- Shoes
- Shopping
- Shorts
- Shoulder
- Shovel
- Shower
- Shrimp
- Shrine
- Silver
- Singer
- Singing
- Sink
- Siren
- Sister
- Skateboard
- Skinny
- Skirt
- Sky
- Skydiving
- Skylight
- Skyscraper
- Slide
- Slippers
- Slumber
- Smells
- Smile
- Smoke
- Snake
- Snow
- Snowflake
- Snowman
- Soap
- Socks
- Sofa
- Son
- Soup
- Spaceship
- Spaghetti
- Sparks
- Sparrow
- Speechless
- Sphere
- Sphinx
- Spices
- Spider web
- Spinning
- Spire
- Spoon
- Spraying
- Springtime
- Sprouting plant
- Spy
- Squid
- Squirrel
- Stable
- Stadium
- Staircase
- Star
- Staring
- Stars
- Steak
- Stealing
- Stethoscope
- Stingray
- Stock market
- Stomach
- Stone
- Stool
- Stork
- Stove
- Straw
- Strawberry
- Stream
- Street
- Subway train
- Suit
- Suitcase
- Sun
- Sunflower
- Sunglasses
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Supermarket
- Superpowers
- Surfing
- Surgeon
- Swan
- Sweater
- Swimming
- Swimming pool
- Swirl
- Sword
- Syrup
Dream Topics Beginning with T
- T-shirt
- Tabby cat
- Table
- Tablet
- Tadpole
- Tail
- Tailor
- Taking a test
- Tale
- Talking
- Tambourine
- Tangerine
- Tape
- Tapestry
- Tar
- Tarot card
- Tart
- Tattoo
- Taxi
- Tea
- Teacher
- Tear
- Teen
- Teeth
- Telephone
- Telescope
- Television
- Temple
- Tennis
- Tennis racket
- Tent
- Terrace
- Thawing
- The dead
- Theater
- Thistle
- Thread
- Throne
- Thunder
- Tide
- Tie
- Tiger
- Tile
- Timber
- Tissue
- Toad
- Toes
- Tomato
- Tongue
- Tooth
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Topaz
- Torch
- Tornado
- Totem pole
- Tow
- Tower
- Town
- Toy
- Toys
- Tractor
- Trail
- Train
- Train station
- Translucent
- Trapeze
- Trapped
- Traveling
- Treasure
- Tree
- Trench coat
- Trophy
- Trousers
- Trout
- Truck
- Truffle
- Trumpet
- Tulip
- Tumbleweed
- Tunic
- Tunnel
- Tunneling
- Turkey
- Turnip
- Turnstile
- Turquoise
- Turtle
- Twig
- Twisting
- Tying a bow
- Tying a knot
- Typewriter
Dream Topics Beginning with U
- Ugliness
- Ukulele
- Ulcer
- Ultrasound
- Umbilical cord
- Umbra
- Umbrella
- Uncle
- Underwater
- Underwear
- Underworld
- Unicorn
- Uniform
- Unraveling
- Upstairs
- Urban setting
- Urn
- Utensils
Dream Topics Beginning with V
- Vacuum cleaner
- Valentine's Day
- Valley
- Vampire
- Van
- Vandalism
- Vantage point
- Varnishing
- Vase
- Vault
- Vehicle
- Veil
- Velvet
- Venom
- Vest
- Veterinarian
- Video games
- Videos
- Villa
- Village
- Vine
- Vinegar
- Vineyard
- Violet
- Violin
- Visiting friends or relatives
- Voice
- Volcano
- Voyeur
- Vulture
Dream Topics Beginning with W
- Wading in water or mud
- Waffle
- Wager
- Wagon
- Waist
- Waiter
- Walking
- Wall
- Wallet
- Wallpaper
- Walnut
- Waltz
- War
- Wardrobe
- Warehouse
- Warning
- Warrior
- Washing machine
- Wasp
- Wasteland
- Watch
- Watchtower
- Water
- Waterfall
- Watermelon
- Wave
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weapon
- Weasel
- Weather
- Weaving
- Wedding
- Weeding a garden
- Weight
- Wetsuit
- Whale
- Wharf
- Wheat
- Wheel
- Wheelchair
- Whirlpool
- Whiskers
- Whispering
- Whistling
- Widow
- Wilderness
- Wildflower
- Willow
- Wind
- Window
- Wine
- Wings
- Winning
- Winter
- Witch
- Wizard
- Wolf
- Wonder
- Wood
- Woodpecker
- Workshop
- Worm
- Wound
- Wrapping gifts
- Wreath
- Wrench
- Wrinkled
- Wrist
- Wristwatch
- Writing
Dream Topics Beginning with X
Dream Topics Beginning with Y
Dream Topics Beginning with Z
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This month's most searched dreams
Some dream experts consider it significant when many people share the same dream.
With that in mind, here are January 2025's most commonly viewed dreams on 3 of Dreams, starting with the most searched term.
- 1) Dreams about the news1746
- 2) Dreams about a basket1722
- 3) Dreams about an accordion1628
- 4) Dreams about a flask1510
- 5) Dreams about a raccoon1463
- 6) Dreams about an astrologer1392
- 7) Dreams about a cat1392
- 8) Dreams about a newspaper1368
- 9) Dreams about an accident1368
- 10) Dreams about a newt1298
We update this list of most searched-for dreams daily, and start a new list on the 1st of every month.