Dream Meanings Beginning With the Letter 'O'
- Oak
- Oats
- Obelisk
- Obstacle
- Ocean
- Octagon
- Octopus
- Office
- Oil
- Old friends
- Old woman
- Olives
- Omelette
- Onion
- Opal
- Opera
- Optician
- Oracle
- Orange
- Orbit
- Orbiting
- Orca
- Orchard
- Orchid
- Organ music
- Organs
- Orion
- Ornament
- Orphan
- Ostrich
- Otter
- Outcast
- Outdoors
- Outfit
- Outlaw
- Oven
- Overboard
- Overcast skies
- Overcoat
- Overgrowth
- Overpass
- Owl
- Ox
- Oyster
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This month's most searched dreams
Some dream experts consider it significant when many people share the same dream.
With that in mind, here are February 2025's most commonly viewed dreams on 3 of Dreams, starting with the most searched term.
- 1) Dreams about a basket1085
- 2) Dreams about a designer1062
- 3) Dreams about an accordion1062
- 4) Dreams about checkers1062
- 5) Dreams about trousers1038
- 6) Dreams about an accident1014
- 7) Dreams about an insignia944
- 8) Dreams about a hologram849
- 9) Dreams about a log826
- 10) Dreams about a cat802
We update this list of most searched-for dreams daily, and start a new list on the 1st of every month.